Friday, October 16, 2009

Why I Love the Bible

In the book of Genesis, (Genesis 6:4 to be exact) there is a mention of some sort of persons or creatures called the Nephilim. It says they were on the earth in those days and that they fathered children with the daughters of men and were considered men of renown. And that's it. No further explanation. No commentary. No follow up. A huge dangling participle in an otherwise continuous story.

I wonder, why even bring it up? What purpose does it serve? It's an unnecessary teaser. If you're not going to tell us all about the Nephilim, why mention them at all? It's distracting; it interrupts the flow of the story. And I absolutely love it.

I love the wildness of the Word of God. The untamable quality of it. I love that I cannot predict it and I do not expect it and it is without apology. I love that it is inconvenient. I love that sometimes there are details included which I wish were left out and other times there is silence when I'm longing for more information. I love that it tells me no more or less than exactly what I need to know. I love that each word is inspired by the Living God: the words about the Nephilim as much as the words about the Ten Commandments. I love that that does not make sense to me.

I love the Bible because I would not have written it that way.

I love the Bible because I could not have thought of it.

All scripture is God-breathed. That's true and that's heavy. And I could not have thought of Him, either.

1 comment:

  1. The mind is teased indeed! The Lord wants a to seek answers to so many things and yet there remains so much we do not need to know. It makes me wonder how many millions are spent on for example space exploration. Does it matter that much when we're drowning in poverty, crime, war and destruction of our ecosystem here on earth??????
